Friday, February 17, 2012

Starting of a new food blog !!!

Hi !!!  
        Lately I had been cooking a lot new things at home…credit goes to many sites available online. I have cooked many out of them and I loved almost all. Recently, after I received the comment that I have been doing PhD in Cooking along with M.Sc Biotechnology……I felt inspired and secretly proud. J The results are being produced in form of a food blog… Being a foodie, I would like people to learn cooking for themselves to suit and pamper their taste buds….  So, I decided to post now and then about different dishes….from different parts…. Most of them may be already present in the vast internet world….I don’t want to copy them or want to outrun them… I just felt that all people don’t reach all blogs…This one may serve as an extra blog to which some people can connect to…

                                 And most importantly, the key secret to any dish being tasty is LOVE… SShhhhh…..This is a secret, but is very important and yes, use lots of it..There is no measure for it in any dish…..

Hope some people try it out which may fulfill my reason of starting this blog….Comments are welcome…!!!