Thursday, August 6, 2015

The humble rice

                            It is funny that I am actually writing this post, but today morning I just thought about it and realized many people might be actually struggling even with rice. Okay, great chefs, this post is definitely not for u. This is for the foetal chefs ;). It does not mean people who have been chefs since they were foetus. This term is also conjured up by me. I actually meant to write newborn chefs, but then I realized that there are a lot of people out there who are not even born as chefs. They have literally not cooked anything, but thought of cooking some day, and definitely love to eat. Those, I call foetal chefs. So, all my dear foetal chefs, take your birth with the most versatile and easiest thing(yes, easier than maggi), and an absolute necessity in Asian food. Yes, my friends, you got it right - It is our lovely rice.

So,let's get to the recipe and I promise you will be surprised why you never tried it, considering how easy it is.

What we need:

Rice - 1 cup
Water - 2 cups
And That's it :)

Lighting the stove:

Measure 1 cup of rice in a bowl and wash it nicely and drain the water.
 Yes, that's my measuring cup. You can use any cup you like.

Measure 2 cups of water and add it to the rice. (The trick here is to water twice the amount of rice, no matter in what you measure).

Now, pour all of it to a pressure cooker.

Place the cooker on gas. Keep the flame on high until you get one whistle.

Now, immediately reduce the flame to lowest and let it give 2 more whistles. Then, switch off the gas.

Let the pressure release naturally and the let cooker open by itself. It won't take more than 5 minutes. So, don't get too impatient.

Now, take out the soft and fluffy rice and enjoy it with anything. Yes, almost anything- dal, curry, chicken or any damn thing.

 I had it with sambar, potato fries and onion. Yes, that's my comfort food. ;)

Note:  Some varieties of rice may take longer or shorter times to cook. In that case, when you open your cooker after 3 whistles, if it appears hard, close the cooker lid and give one more whistle. If it appears overcooked, give one lesser whistle next time.