Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Cabbage sabzi (Bandhakobi Tarkari)

This is a very regular recipe with our moms. Hubbo really likes it, but I am not a big fan for regular eating. I just like to have it occasionally and that too after crushing 1-2 green chillies in it just before eating. Ah ! The smell of green chilli with this, heavenly :)
  You can add green peas to it, but I made this with avarekalu today. Green peas give a nice fresh colour boost to it.

Getting Ready :

Cabbage - 100 gms
Avarekalu (Hyacinth Beans) - 20 gms
Potato- 1 medium
Onion - 1 medium
Tomato- 1 small
Garlic- 5-6 cloves
Black pepper- 5-6
Zeera(cumin seeds) - 1/2 tsp
Turmeric powder- 1/2 tsp
Chilli powder - 1/2 tsp
Oil- 2 tbsps
Coriander leaves for garnish
Salt - To Taste
Water- 1/3 cup

Lighting the stove :

Chop the cabbage in thin strips. Peel the potato and chop them. 
Pressure cook the cabbage, potato and avarekalu in a pressure cooker with salt, water and turmeric powder for 1-2 whistles.

Now, roughly chop the onion, peel the garlic, and pulse(roughly grind) them along with black pepper and zeera.
Heat oil, add the rough paste, fry till they turn pinkish brown, now add chilli powder and chopped tomatoes. 

Splash some water and cook covered till tomatoes turn mushy.

Add the boiled cabbage, potatoes and avarekalu. Mix well till water is dried up.

Now, sprinkle coriander leaves and mix well.

It cooks very quickly and makes for a great curry or side dish with either chapati or rice. As I said, it's a regular in normal households. 

Source: Ma's cooking

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